- Is the Immigration Advice in the website accurate and relevant?
The information in the website is not to be construed as immigration advice in any form whatsoever. The information is copied from INZ websites and reproduced together with the links to enable you to find the official information only.
The owners of the website do not accept any responsibility for users acting on incorrect information or hearsay information. Only information from the INZ website or an accredited agent can be regarded as accurate
- Is the Financial information provided accurate?
Only a registered financial advisor can give financial information. You are urged to ensure that the information you have is being given by a registered advisor
- Can anyone advertise on the website.
You are able to contact Melissa Moore at melissa@lekkerlifenewzealand.co.nz to discuss advertising opportunities.
For Immigration advisors and Financial advisors, only those registered with their professional bodies will be considered
- Can I comment on the website?
No, you can’t, but the Facebook group is completely unchanged, and we welcome comment and healthy debate
- What if some of the website content is incorrect
You are welcome to contact us at any time to give us your opinion. Some of the website content is our own opinion and if you have a different position, please let us know
- Is the website and the Facebook group the same?
They both belong to Melissa Moore. However, the Facebook group remains unchanged